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FAQs For You!

Admit it: you're curious!

We get a lot of questions about Doctor Wong's Invisible Donuts. We'll try to answer them here. If you need more info, hit us up on the contact page!

Product Inventory

What the heck are invisible donuts?

Doctor Wong's Invisible Donuts are a contemporary take on the classic donut confection. By using the modern culinary technique of MOLECULAR GASTRONOMY, Doctor Wong's Invisible Donuts capture the great flavors of classic donuts and contemporary tastes, in a sustainable, vegan, gluten-free way. The end result is a clear confection (that's why "invisible") with mouth-feel much like a Japanese Mochi. Doctor Wong's Invisible Donuts are an inclusive treat for the 21st Century!

Package Delivered

Who is Doctor Wong? Are they really a doctor?

Doctor Wong is the creator of the Invisible Donut, and the founder of the business. They're originally from Greensboro NC but they live outside of Wilmington now. Yes, technically they're a doctor, but not the medical kind. Doctor Wong holds a Ph.D in English Literature and taught in community colleges across NC until leaving teaching to launch Doctor Wong's Invisible Donuts.

Mobile Phone User

Where can I find these marvelous donuts?

Right now, Doctor Wong's Invisible Donuts are only available in Doctor Wong's home kitchen and the professional test kitchen we rented for product development research. Soon you'll be able to buy Doctor Wong's Invisible Donuts in three locations across the state. Our flagship Wilmington store should be open by the end of Summer 2022, with locations in Raleigh and Charlotte soon to follow!

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